Have you ever walked up to your automotive project, ready to work and get the job done. But you forget a key tool you need for the diagnosis and repair of said vehicle? Well you are not alone, this is a common thing to happen with mechanics. But, there are some specific things you should never forget about nor leave home without. In this article, we will be going over the 5 Things Every DIY Mechanic Should Never Forget in their Garage!
Code Reader
A code reader in this day and age of being an automotive mechanic is crucial to you getting the diagnosis correct the first time around. Present day vehicles make diagnosis ALOT easier than how their predecessors did. Even though OBD1 launched in 1991 the diagnostics system did not come to be what it is today until 1994 when OBD2 launched and opened up a complete library of codes that your vehicle could experience. Of course the OBD2 system has expanded over the years to make vehicle diagnostics even easier with MORE CODES! Instead of the diagnosis system saying that you have a Misfire, now it will tell you exactly what cylinder is having a misfire. This is just an example of just 1 code out of hundreds, that your vehicle can experience. A key thing to remember though when picking out the correct code reader for you is that you need to make sure the code reader can read the codes you are trying to find. For example some code readers cannot read transmission or ABS codes, you need to make sure your code reader can read those codes if that is the fault you are looking for.
Are you needing to dispose of that old engine oil but do not know where to go? Check out my article on How to properly dispose of Old Engine Oil Here!
Tools (METRIC)!!!!
TOOLS!!!! If it could be that easy, many mechanics would save ALOT OF MONEY! Over the years there have been many different tool sizes come into the industry. American standard, British Standard, Metric, and so on are just a few that are the most common options. 90% of vehicles you are going to find yourself working on will use the Metric size for the tools of choice for their vehicle. Many auto manufacturers are following suit by using this tool size. I of course have ALOT of American Standard wrenches and sockets that do not get used as often anymore. So remember this when you are looking to add some new additions to your tool set and save yourself money and garage space.
I know you just laughed a little by me bringing up a flashlight is one of the most crucial tools you never want to forget but it is TRUE! Without any light to see what you are doing or looking for, you will get nothing accomplished and will just waste your time. So now you know! Remembering a flashlight is just as important as remembering your wrenches and sockets. I usually keep a couple rechargeable worklights with my tool bag to help me with any lack of light.
PB Blaster
PB Blaster, WD-40, Penetrating oil, whatever you want to call it or brand you want to get, THIS IS CRUCIAL! Corrosion is no one’s friend especially the mechanic that has to deal with the corrosion. Incorrectly removing hardware that is corroded can turn a twenty minute job into an all day job. Breaking a bolt can ruin a mechanics schedule and can even make a person sell a vehicle because of the fear of breaking something on the engine. A great example of this would be the Triton engine in any early two thousand Ford vehicle. The spark plugs on this engine are prone to breaking off in the cylinder head and because of this some owners and mechanics will not work on that model. The key to repairs like this is penetrating oil! Corrosion will always make your repair much more difficult then it should be, so come prepared to your next repair!
Are you a mechanic by trade looking for some extra money? Check out my article on how to make a nice side income with your skills!
I know if my wife was reading this I would get the stare of death. I only say this because she constantly tells me “Put your gloves on!” So take a lesson from me on this one to save yourself countless years of pain from burns and cuts. I have always said that mechanics are a special breed, because who else would voluntarily sign up to get their hands burned on exhaust manifolds, cut up by unevenly cut zip ties, and more? Well it is not an Iron man competition, find yourself some nice gloves that are thin yet protective. Something that will guard you from being burned and cut but not too bulky that will get caught in tight spots.
Good tunes because your gonna be there for awhile, nothing wrong with making it enjoyable. Remember to breathe and KEEP ON WRENCHING!!!
Well I gave you five but I am going to throw in one more, because this last one even though seems minimal will be the MOST IMPORTANT! Don’t forget some good music to listen to while you are completing your repair. Do not play music that makes you mad and amped up though, you are trying to focus. Count your music as white noise in the background, something to keep you focused and calm. I want to highlight the word “CALM”! Even after twenty five years of working on vehicles I still get aggravated from time to time at them. I use my music to keep me calm during these aggravating times, I hope this tip will help you as well. By the way if you wanted to know what kind of music I listen to, to keep me calm. I listen to love songs like KC and Jojo “Crazy” to Aerosmith “Jaded”, I have found that these songs do not get me amped up, yet don’t make me sad either. If you have questions about your auto repair and the music is not keeping you calm, message me on the Youtube channel, I can help you!
Do you want to make this next auto repair you have even EASIER?! Check out my article on 5 things EVERY DIY Mechanic should NEVER Forget to have in their Garage!
In conclusion
So I gave you six great things to always have in your garage and that are crucial to keeping your auto repair as simple and as easy as possible. Remember it all starts with the first bolt, but if you find yourself exhausted or losing patience, take a break. You will only make more work for yourself if you lose your cool while trying to complete an auto repair. So I hope with this article the next time you have an auto repair you will come prepared and ready for battle! Thank you for reading and do not forget to check out our Youtube Channel for weekly DIY Auto Repair episodes!