As much as we go to the auto parts store, we frequently see new things. One of those things being the fuel injector cleaner that is on the shelf at the store. Seeing that only makes me wonder if the fuel injector cleaner is the only way to clean my fuel injection? The question that comes to my mind is, How do I clean my fuel injectors in my Ford Taurus? With a few hours of research, this is what I found.
The best way to clean your fuel injectors is to use a fuel injector cleaning tool because it uses backflow to clean and unclog your fuel injectors. Using fuel injection cleaner that you add to your fuel does not work as efficient as the tool. Due to the cleaner being added to the fuel and that dilutes the cleaning formula making it less efficient.
Knowing that now really makes me think how much money I have wasted over the years cleaning my injectors to our family vehicle. Well, we can learn a lot from this but let’s dig in a little deeper. That way we can find out more about how to make our fuel injectors run more efficiently which will save us money at the fuel pumps.

Why would I need to clean my fuel injectors in my Ford Taurus?
I found out recently how essential your fuel system is to your vehicle. I am not talking about how your car runs on fuel, but more of the importance of keeping your fuel system clean. Due to all the junk in the fuel tank that your fuel system can suck up. This is the culprit to many fuel system problems but those little pieces of rust and dirt that don’t seem like significant issues to the naked eye. But to a fuel injector which has a tiny spray nozzle, these particles can be fatal to that injector doing its job correctly.
This is why changing your fuel filter is so important. Inside your fuel filter, you have a screened filter that cleans your fuel before it is sent to the engine. If you do not change your fuel filter, then this screened filter becomes clogged and cannot thoroughly clean the fuel to an adequate quality. When it becomes so dirty and clogged with particles, it can let some particles through.
This is a big reason why you need to clean your fuel injectors. Keeping your fuel injectors clean will increase your fuel efficiency by 8%-10%. Did you know that a dirty injector can cause a misfire?
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Due to the lower amount of fuel reaching the combustion chamber your O2 sensor is going to read that less fuel is getting burnt and it will create an engine code for cylinder X is lean. When someone says a vehicle is burning lean, it means that the car is not receiving the proper amount of fuel it requires to run correctly. In the case that someone says the car is burning rich, then that means the vehicle is receiving too much fuel that the engine requires.
Either situation will create an engine code and will have you chasing ghosts around the engine. So make sure you save yourself the headache and every 45,000 miles or 36 months you clean your fuel injectors, this will guarantee the efficiency of your fuel injectors.
What would clean my fuel injectors in my Ford Taurus?
This is where the options come into play. There are a few options that you have to clean your fuel injectors, but some don’t work as great as others. The ideal way to clean your fuel injectors is to get a tool that cleans the injectors without needing to take them off of the fuel rail. There is a tool called Run Rite, and with this piece of equipment, you will be able to clean the injectors while they are still on the vehicle.
This is the ideal way to clean your fuel injectors, and this is the same equipment automotive repair shops she as well. Yes, you can use brake cleaner to clean your fuel injectors. The only downside about that option is your fuel injector will need to be energized so you can get the inside of the injector as well. Then there is the option of the fuel system cleaner that you pour into your gas when filling up at the gas station.
It seems like an easy way to get your vehicle working right. The downside of this option is that when you pour the cleaner into your fuel, it becomes diluted and does not have the same strength if you had it with the cleaning solution itself. With the Run Right option, it keeps the cleaning solution away from the fuel, and this gives you that cleaning power you need to break up those hard carbon deposits on your valves and other pieces of your engine while cleaning your fuel injector nozzles to increase their efficiency again and give you a great running vehicle.
Now I am just saying what I would prefer to use; you can pick whatever you want to use, of course. But mainly my decision is not only on how complicated the option is but if it is proficient in what task I need it to accomplish. The carbon that can attach itself to your valves is challenging to remove so I want the full power of the cleaning solution to rid my engine of this problem, so that is why I chose the Run-Rite option. This is a professional grade and gets the internals of your engine shining!
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Where would I take my Ford Taurus if the fuel injectors need to be cleaned?
You can take your vehicle to an automotive repair shop if you do not feel comfortable with completing this task yourself. The shop is going to charge around $20 per injector to be cleaned, that is the average I saw when calling around to the local repair shops. That is not too bad of an option if you are a busy person and have no time to complete the repair yourself.
In the situation you do feel comfortable with completing this task, then that is great, you will be able to learn more about your vehicle and how you can keep it running great for years to come.
You will be surprised by this one here’s my article on 12 Crucial Maintenance Things to Check on your Vehicle.
How do I prevent my Ford Taurus fuel injectors from needing to be cleaned in the future?
Since carbon is from the engine blow-by in the combustion process on a direct fuel injection system, there is little we can do to prevent carbon. There are ways to avoid the build-up of carbon though; you can use a catch can system which is a modification off of your PCV (Positive Crankcase Ventilation) system. So that you know the PCV system recycles crankcase gases back into the engine to be burned; this minimizes the number of greenhouse gases released from the vehicle.
This option is exactly what it sounds like. It is a can that condenses the gases from the combustion process that is rerouted from the PCV to the catch can and this cleans the gases before it goes back into your intake manifold to be processed by the engine. I am talking about the sludge, air vapor, and fuel vapor that is condensed and sinks to the bottom of the catch can. This is a great way to slow down the carbon build-up process that your engine emits from the combustion process.
Remember it does not prevent carbon build-up; it just slows the process down. By keeping the amount of carbon deposit minimal on your engine, you will also be increasing your engines fuel efficiency, and you will be able to notice your vehicle has a better response time while driving. This is an excellent preventive maintenance to have on your checklist. Remember to keep to your cars scheduled maintenance up to date, so you will be able to keep your vehicle running strong for many years to come.
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